Notes of another, dated and seasoned, trips to hell, whales and sharks dance. Sorry for mud on glasses of frogs and friends. In the darkness, without the eyes to see the lights. Dates with snakes out, time out of den of snakes. Happy back on track, moving forward to change. Freaks out at night. Steven Jarrot, 7608512267 herds of bitches, butches, wnd dykes:rach, Rachel Jarrot, hairless turkey, Sheri and Sima Jarrot, whales on land. Hidden Messages:Blue Lights, Plenty of fish in the seas, swimming in circles, signs of March 18. Fish in bowel doing circles, chasing own tail.
Tales that are about fairies, pixies, angels, and butterflies, tell stories about the good, bad and ugly things that can happen when you get old. Everyone is born to die, and some people never live, the stories, tales. The box of gold or the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is a dream come true. People think it is an end to a story for kids, just the ones at the age of birth until the day they die kids. Kids get old, they just grown up and forget the tales told.Blue Lights, Plenty of fish in the seas, swimming in circles, signs of March 18. Fish in bowel doing circles, chasing own tail.
sands of time. Happy and delighted with paths choosen to climb to mountian tops to greatness. Found stories, online, views to share, lessons for fish and frogs.Blue Lights, Plenty of fish in the seas, swimming in circles, signs of March 18. Fish in bowel doing circles, chasing own tail.
Rodeo Stars :Whats your story, strangers to friends, 420 growers is desired. How tall do you stand? Starlights: stats. Love the pictures, loved the image left, love and horses, horse and pony shows. Life of love of horses, married to the rodeo games, for fame and future shows, love to grow and expand. Living in a state of blue calm seas, lights on mountain tops. Stars bright lights to shine in darkness, love and hate horns of a goat, flipping in time, flipping in space. Good times at horse races, just like rats races, bangs for bucks, daily dances done.Blue Lights, Plenty of fish in the seas, swimming in circles, signs of March 18. Fish in bowel doing circles, chasing own tail.
Dreams in actions, hopes and dreams of company from a tall, witty, charming mature giant of tales of other seasons in the sun. Stories, tales and tips for roads to greatness to share. Peace, love and understanding on the beaches, on the boat, on the sands of time.
Have to readjust plans again, another fish returned to seas: seas of frogs and fish, want better. Horses and pony shows, rats racing for dollars done, time to take my hand, the best is yet to come. Jumps for joy, jumps for new dawn on dreams, dancing on sands of time. Happy and delighted with paths choosen to climb to mountian tops to greatness.
Schools, classes, more lessons to learn. Roads to doctors and clown dreams started. Life is a joke, life is a beach, life is an adventure, views to teach to trade for big plans. Creating new worlds. Great day to turn pages to a brighter day, sailing to better dazes.
Found stories, online, views to share, lessons for fish and frogs. Blue Lights, Plenty of fish in the seas, swimming in circles, signs of March 18. Fish in bowel doing circles, chasing own tail.
Here is a story of a man who loved a woman once, and what happen after the dark dazes of court for a protection order, love and devotion from the only man for this woman, he was so right....Steven Jay Jarrot:7608512267: Sad and blue once.Summer of 2013, after the shit hit the fan on his love affair with his dream girl, mistakes had been made, and the atonement was never done, not a rite of passage in the deeds and the actions.Blue Lights, Plenty of fish in the seas, swimming in circles, signs of March 18. Fish in bowel doing circles, chasing own tail.Blue Lights, Plenty of fish in the seas, swimming in circles, signs of March 18. Fish in bowel doing circles, chasing own tail.
This is after the third party views about level of love, as seen by the hairdresser with the kid that was hairless, Sheri and Rachel Jarrot, the pair in question now, stories about the nosy, super-sized white whales that rule with the short hairs and balls of Steven Jarrot, in her purse. One for Sheri and one for Rachel, and they rule with balls in hand the love and good times of ex-husband, and golden calf of the tribe to tell him how to feel. Notices by blogs, tweets and Google plus, written in third party views were attacked, and that was the beginning of the end of the dark days with this clan.Blue Lights, Plenty of fish in the seas, swimming in circles, signs of March 18. Fish in bowel doing circles, chasing own tail.
How much are views worth in your world? Moot in mind, please the one in your skin, happy to share views always sunny and bright sides to the pits with the cherries. Hell on earth with hell hounds, faithful bullshitters, games played to blame others. Good guys once, gray faces in the dark, fun and games at night.
Jumps for joy, leassons learned, in first attempts in learning, dances on the sands of time. Good times, rats racing to greatness over for the day, wheels stop turning. Time never stops. Lyon Sacks of Shit: Princess Whale: Bears on land eyes to heaven, good times. Back on the boat, reflections, time in hell with Steven Jay Jarrot, 7608512267. What a crook he was. Freak for cum with tasteful delights for dicks with chicks? Party and play at the beach. Butterflies, Pixies, Tales and Treats:
The Fairy, the pixie, the frogs. Trips to hell in a hand basket, hell hounds.Trips by hand basket to hell. To fail: first attempts in learning, practice not to fail life lessond. Practice to perfection not to fail, daily quests. Great times to practice acts of kindness, makes you feel better, helping out. Smiles to start. Good times learning skills in schools of hard knocks. Steve Jarrot-760 851 2267- Jewish White Male-Ready now to fuck you out of everything you have, and then some, just watch out for snakes. Lyon Sacks of Shit: Prince Whale:
Hell on earth with hell hounds, faithful bullshitters, games played to blame others. Good guys once, gray faces in the dark, fun and games at night. Jumps for joy, lessons learned, in first attempts in learning, dances on the sands of time. Good times, rats racing to greatness over for the day, wheels stop turning. Time never stops.

Found stories, online, views to share, lessons for fish and frogs. Blue Lights, Plenty of fish in the seas, swimming in circles, signs of March 18. Fish in bowel doing circles, chasing own tail.

Here is a story of a man who loved a woman once, and what happen after the dark dazes of court for a protection order, love and devotion from the only man for this woman, he was so right....Steven Jay Jarrot:7608512267: Sad and blue once.Summer of 2013, after the shit hit the fan on his love affair with his dream girl, mistakes had been made, and the atonement was never done, not a rite of passage in the deeds and the actions.

Lots of pain, cheater and liar, tales of dead wives, sister-wives also. Rach Jay, Sheri and Rachel Jarrot, Charles R. Jarrot, pimps on calls, Steven Jarrot, whale on the beaches, RV camper for life, dreams in movies, dreams in drama, snakes in the grass, dancers for cash, dicks to cum. Records to be broken, history recorded, birds to sing.Back in time when dirt was cheap, and Jesus Christ was a boy, stars to shine, sons of dogs, bitches and hoes, faces in the layers of brown, dirt, shit of fecal matters.Heads up, hands out, to help you back up again

Face of Evil (TV Movie 1996): Hits And Misses.Willie Nelson is, as the song goes, “Still Not Dead”Recurring Dreams.You Beautiful 😍 , Gorgeous 😘 , Sexy 😝 , and Pretty 💯 . OVERVIEW…Late or early, family events, birthdays daily, every day, a gift, eyes to open again. I’m so fucking pumped. Waking up so excited. February is a great month.Back in time when dirt was cheap, and Jesus Christ was a boy, stars to shine, sons of dogs, bitches and hoes, faces in the layers of brown, dirt, shit of fecal matters.Heads up, hands out, to help you back up again
Blue Lights, Plenty of fish in the seas, swimming in circles, signs of March 18. Fish in bowel doing circles, chasing own tail.Blue Lights, Plenty of fish in the seas, swimming in circles, signs of March 18. Fish in bowel doing circles, chasing own tail.
Found stories, online, views to share, lessons for fish and frogs. Blue Lights, Plenty of fish in the seas, swimming in circles, signs of March 18. Fish in bowel doing circles, chasing own tail.
Here is a story of a man who loved a woman once, and what happen after the dark dazes of court for a protection order, love and devotion from the only man for this woman, he was so right....Steven Jay Jarrot:7608512267: Sad and blue once.Summer of 2013, after the shit hit the fan on his love affair with his dream girl, mistakes had been made, and the atonement was never done, not a rite of passage in the deeds and the actions.

Lots of pain, cheater and liar, tales of dead wives, sister-wives also. Rach Jay, Sheri and Rachel Jarrot, Charles R. Jarrot, pimps on calls, Steven Jarrot, whale on the beaches, RV camper for life, dreams in movies, dreams in drama, snakes in the grass, dancers for cash, dicks to cum. Records to be broken, history recorded, birds to sing.Back in time when dirt was cheap, and Jesus Christ was a boy, stars to shine, sons of dogs, bitches and hoes, faces in the layers of brown, dirt, shit of fecal matters.Heads up, hands out, to help you back up again

Rocky Jarrot (Rachel Gay Jarrot@rachellyn1010). - Blue Oceans ...
Rocky Jarrot (Rachel Gay Jarrot@rachellyn1010). Goodnight clowns under your bed "i am scared of all the clown sightings". .Color Me Badd : Nothing teaches character better than generosity. - Jim Rohn.Cows to call, love and luck, dream lives on the water. Kings, and knights, dinner delights, pages to a book.Young ...Back in time when dirt was cheap, and Jesus Christ was a boy, stars to shine, sons of dogs, bitches and hoes, faces in the layers of brown, dirt, shit of fecal matters.Heads up, hands out, to help you back up again

Charles R. Jarrot 7607778998 . Dead babies. Rachellyn1010 ...
Back In Time, Blasts To Moons, Walks On Water. Kids, Goats, Lessons Daily, Strangers To Friends, Friends To Family, Nuts To Grow, Circles Of Lights, Love, Lust, Leaders. Rites To Stand 2. Rats To Races. Kaitlynn Ryann Allen : rachellyn1010 Are you alive? Views Online, History To Note: Names And Faces: Retards, ...Back in time when dirt was cheap, and Jesus Christ was a boy, stars to shine, sons of dogs, bitches and hoes, faces in the layers of brown, dirt, shit of fecal matters.Heads up, hands out, to help you back up again

Crazy,Crazy,Crazy!!Back in time when dirt was cheap, and Jesus Christ was a boy, stars to shine, sons of dogs, bitches and hoes, faces in the layers of brown, dirt, shit of fecal matters.Heads up, hands out, to help you back up again.
Face of Evil (TV Movie 1996): Hits And Misses.Willie Nelson is, as the song goes, “Still Not Dead”Recurring Dreams.You Beautiful 😍 , Gorgeous 😘 , Sexy 😝 , and Pretty 💯 . OVERVIEW…Late or early, family events, birthdays daily, every day, a gift, eyes to open again. I’m so fucking pumped. Waking up so excited. February is a great month.Back in time when dirt was cheap, and Jesus Christ was a boy, stars to shine, sons of dogs, bitches and hoes, faces in the layers of brown, dirt, shit of fecal matters.Heads up, hands out, to help you back up again
Blue Lights, Plenty of fish in the seas, swimming in circles, signs of March 18. Fish in bowel doing circles, chasing own tail.Blue Lights, Plenty of fish in the seas, swimming in circles, signs of March 18. Fish in bowel doing circles, chasing own tail.
Lyon Sacks of Shit: Princess Whale:
Cow to Buffalo: October
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