Lessons to learn, dates to set for the joys and pains of growth and rolling with the flow of the river. Oceans and seas of chance to take for the better dazes over the rainbow, gifts to share with the tales and stories of the undead and unstable.

I miss the beach πHorns to sound, birds in the dogwood trees, houses and homes, veterans on the street, hands to help. Tips and stories to share. DON’T BE THAT PERSON STANDING AT THE SHORELINE WATCHING AS THE LAST SHIP “SALES” AWAY.Donkey 2.Stars To Shine, Wishes, Dreams, Hopes. Waves Of Words, Views In Shades Of Rites, Birds And Bees, Songs in the winds. Coins To Flip, Cards To Ready, Funny Faces Of Worms.
THE TIME TO GET ON BOARD IS NOW. Is it really 2018 already? For those of you who happen to be planning on buying a home in the new year—or even just trying to—there’s a whole lot to celebrate. Why?BeeGees Live One For Australia
Passenger - Let Her Go [Official Video]....American birds, sit and spin, tales in the air. Dances in the rain, dances in shames, dances with wolves and snakes, dates on the corner, RV action, bitch on wheels, games to play. Just another story of a couple of frogs, a couple of fish from the seas, dates set long ago, tricks and trades, have been done. Over time and space, pages to turn, books to write, great life, great day alive. How much are views worth in your world? Moot in mind, please the one in your skin, happy to share views always sunny and bright sides to the pits with the cherries....Donkey 2.Stars To Shine, Wishes, Dreams, Hopes. Waves Of Words, Views In Shades Of Rites, Birds And Bees, Songs in the winds. Coins To Flip, Cards To Ready, Funny Faces Of Worms.
Seeing another's viewpoint as wrong, doesn't make one's viewpoint right. Often times it simply means one's own viewpoint is more right. However to he right, is to understand things perfectly. The problem is; we are not perfect. A thought: Perhaps a human can only know right within human created frameworks. Frameworks which are often outdated. In this sense, it is only through insisting that we are wrong that we can that we can become more right and begin to reimagine more accurate frameworks to exist and be right in.Donkey 2.Stars To Shine, Wishes, Dreams, Hopes. Waves Of Words, Views In Shades Of Rites, Birds And Bees, Songs in the winds. Coins To Flip, Cards To Ready, Funny Faces Of Worms.

Friends, family members and foes thanks for the crossroad turns to take on the faces of the freaks out at night, to party and play to death, good times on the beaches.Blue Stars Tonight: Stars out tonight, wishes on stars, seven seas under the lights of the stars out for the colors. Blue state of mind, gifts to share under the cherry moon. Happy for another wonderful day on the right side.
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