Pens to paper, daisys to grow, hate and love, horns to barry, horns of a goat, walks on sunshine. Rats to run, races for fame, lights to shine, examples for the fish, role models for the snakes and worms. HAHAHAHTIME TO TURN THE PAGE:Sheri Jarrot, Horn Outs:Family Affairs. Trades. Fags, Hags, Crooks, Cheaters, Liars, Pigs And Hogs,Dances In Darkness, With Snakes,Love and Hate. Jewish ...

Birds, bees, cash to be made, faces in the crowds, dicks, dawgs, good time toads. Twists, turns, faces under the surface, freaks, frogs, fish to fry. Strangers to friends, circles of rites, reasons, seasons of suckers. Mirrors, minions, men and mice, good times, plenty of rotten people, faces in layers of excuses and assholes. ROSES for a girl that likes to party&play.Exactly embracing the dayππ
Not black, red blood on the skin, color of houses, same house. Veteran Views, Love, Luck: Trades.Coins for the dead, coins for the sons, coins for the frogs to see on the left sides. Lefts three time, take next right hand turn, back to square one.
Happy to see.Mother Goose, Jesus Christ, Cows, cattle, hippos, and land whales, fuck for time of day, lovers and haters: Ships of dreams, ships of fools, ships to carry t freaks back to hell. Prey again, crimes again mental ptsd veterans.Happy to see.Mother Goose, Jesus Christ, Cows, cattle, hippos. Jewish Wales: Movie Made.
Nuts to fall, nuts to stand alone, nuts to dogwood trees, in the middle of the woods, chicks and babes in red hood, lessons to learn alone the way. Riches, fame, wits and charms, circles in the life to lead, birds and bees in the dogwood trees. Light and darkness, songs in the winds, hope and dreams for a better day.

Pens to paper, daisys to grow, hate and love, horns to barry, horns of a goat, walks on sunshine. Rats to run, races for fame, lights to shine, examples for the fish, role models for the snakes and worms. HAHAHAHTIME TO TURN THE PAGE:Sheri Jarrot, Horn Outs:Family Affairs. Trades. Fags, Hags, Crooks, Cheaters, Liars, Pigs And Hogs,Dances In Darkness, With Snakes,Love and Hate. Jewish ...
Hands to hearts, flags to greet, hopes and dreams land of the brave. American Tales, American Birds, Amazonasππ Frozen In Time, Marking History, Earth Angels Every One.Go Fly A Kit: Birds And Bees, Love And Luck, Flipping Coins. Holiday Hits And Misses, Moves To Make, Frogs For Movies, Tales Of Frogs.
Worms,Good Times To Share?Lovers, haters, suckers for free rides, donkeys in packs, monkeys to dodge. Dances in darkness, faces in mud, snakes, spiders and worms, black and yellow, wasps and assholes. Reasons, rights, actions and excuses, pigs, hogs,good time toads. Views, voices, values, dimes to drop, songs to sing, hits and misses.
Cartoons lovers,haters, suckers for free rides. Heads to count, freaks, frogs, fools, good times, bumps in the runs, paths taken, ships of fools on the water. Roads to rocks, paths of snakes, freaks, frogs, heads to count, gems to love. Dicks, dawgs, games on the rocks, 7 nights, pages to go. Hopes, wishes, actions, pages to books: excuses and assholes, things we have in common.: Santiago Smith: Intro Self-Employed Widowed From Long Beach, California.Rainbow Souls -

πππ There are no coincidences πππ I do all the time..Sending prayers for you. ππ Constant panic attacks. But sure lets just pretend all is okay and itll all go away. Thats what everyone thinks so.. But sitting around all day isnt going to solve anything. Drink it off, go out and do something. Sometimes along life's pathways, the...
Rolling Stones songs are some of classic tunes to dance the nights away with, good times. That always helped me lol. Rainbow Souls - πππ There are no coincidences πππLife is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving. A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge
Pens to paper, daisys to grow, hate and love, horns to barry, horns of a goat, walks on sunshine. Rats to run, races for fame, lights to shine, examples for the fish, role models for the snakes and worms. HAHAHAHTIME TO TURN THE PAGE:Sheri Jarrot, Horn Outs:Family Affairs. Trades. Fags, Hags, Crooks, Cheaters, Liars, Pigs And Hogs,Dances In Darkness, With Snakes,Love and Hate. Jewish ...
Donkey For Free Rides?slugs, Sluts, Snakes 2?Moon light, dances ... Classes Fairy Tales: Sunny And Bright: Walks On Sands Of Time. Glory Dazes 2 Come.Treats .Happy Independence Day Sheri Gerstein Jarrot! πΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈ...Pens to paper, daisys to grow, hate and love, horns to barry, horns of a goat, walks on sunshine. Rats to run, races for fame, lights to shine, examples for the fish, role models for the snakes and worms.
HAHAHAHTIME TO TURN THE PAGE:Sheri Jarrot, Horn Outs:Family Affairs. Trades. Fags, Hags, Crooks, Cheaters, Liars, Pigs And Hogs,Dances In Darkness, With Snakes,Love and Hate. Jewish ...

Walking On Sunshine Today. Daisy to Date: Daisy Ducks, Daisy Duks, Girls to Call, Flowers on the Wall. Fairy tales, tips to share, joys in pains, rain and showers. Good times in the rain, good time at the beach. Dogface butterflies, dogwood tr. ess, monkeys to see, monkeys to show. Pens to paper, daisys to grow, hate and love, horns to barry, horns of a goat, walks on sunshine.
Rats to run, races for fame, lights to shine, examples for the fish, role models for the snakes and worms. HAHAHAHTIME TO TURN THE PAGE:Sheri Jarrot, Horn Outs:Family Affairs. Trades. Fags, Hags, Crooks, Cheaters, Liars, Pigs And Hogs,Dances In Darkness, With Snakes,Love and Hate. Jewish ...
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